
28 February, 2010

Happy Chap Goh Meh!!!

Heya, boys and girls of all ages, Happy Chap Goh Meh!!! For some who may not understand the term "Chap Goh Meh", it actually is a festive of young women gather to toss leftover tangerines to the river, and hoping that their future true love to get it at the riverbank in the old days, it is consider as "Chinese Valentine". So guys if wanna get a good girl better act fast oo!! xD.

Anyway, I don't really celebrate this festival~ so more luck for the other guys out there xD!.. In fact... today its one of the days which my daughter, "Lucy" most feared days >D. Wanna know why? Look at the pics below~...

Pic 1,

Pic 2

For more pics, please go to my FaceBook and see~~ and sorry about the harsh flash...

Taken with D40x, kit lens~


maxchs said...

pic 1 - caught u red handed!

alvinchiew said...

pic 2rubbing maxie behind the ears